Friday, April 6, 2007


I've been discovered. I truly have run out of my yearly supply of witty, endearing or intelligent remarks. Depleted by April.

Just kidding.

I think spending time with my family is the most incredible gift. My brother and sister-in-law are headed overseas with their baby as I type. We spent the last 7 days eating, laughing, crying, hugging and squeezing the new babies. It was decadent in our cocoon of safe (chaotic) love. It is HARD to let loved ones travel into unsafe areas.

We celebrated Afton's b-day with her cousin Abilove. My sister and mom created a stand-up Barbie doll cake. It was slightly awkward deciding who had to eat the slice cut from near Barbie's buttocks. Afton had no problem scraping the frosting off of the fake-tan plastic boobies.

I am bad holiday mom. Tomorrow I will join the rest of this select group at our clubhouse. Wal-mart. I'm trying to avoid sugar-poisoning my tots and yet still maintain the elusive crown of "Fun-Mom" in their eyes. Books? Pastel annoying stuffed animals? Glorious chocolate?? Afton's Birthday also happens to fall on Easter this year. Rats. I haven't shopped for her either. And maybe I won't...

True confessions. I generally hate stuffed animals. I have only liked one, well two. The rest are crap.

OK I'm done.


Anonymous said...

Great update!

Glad you are back and had a great time!

See ya tomorrow!

mummers said...

Okay, here is my list of Easter "treats" that will not rot your children's teeth nor hopefully collect more dust under the couch because they're just one more totally junky toy:

-Bubbles (in pastels of course!)
-Sippy cups with soft rubber animals on top, color-coordinated to divided plastic plates
-Wild looking toothbrushes
-Bright balls, small or gigantic
-Books, you can never have too many,everyone needs a good start to a personal library (okay, there is a little personal bias here)
-and for those who could care less about animal rights, there's always the LIVE PASTEL CHICKIE!!!!

wyofaith said...

Was one of the stuffed animals that old dirty panda??? C'mon, you know it is!!!!

Anonymous said...

Old Dirty Panda?!?! What a great rap name!
I put no stock in stuffed animals (Now going by the gussied up moniker of "plush toys." Please gag me, now.) but I still have my original two, Bunny and Mickey. Bunny, original, inseparable partner of Banky, (which I'd have to do a check for in storage) has faded admirably but still has it's lustrous appeal. The black paint on Mickey's plastic nose migrated into my mouth early on as I was prone to carrying him around with my jaws clamped to his face. No, I don't know why. Maybe Cindy has a clue. Maybe both hands were occupied with Bunny and Banky. Wonder how I got my thumb in my mouth with Mickey hanging off my face? I must have been determined.
Why did I start this? Oh yeah,... Walmart? 'Round these parts, Walmart developers end up wearing there asses for a hat. It's the "W" word. No, not that one. Can't say as I've ever seen the inside of one. Walmart fires up some serious politics in this area. Something about how they royally screw their employees.
That said, I wonder what my vintage Mickey would draw on e-bay? You'll have to pry Bunny from my cold, dead claws.

Dr. Seattle said...

Yeah, I hate stuffed animals too. Taxidermy just grosses me out.

Mrs. Sara said...

Mmm, taxidermy. Delicious.

wyofaith said...

Fact of life in Wyoming. Usually displayed where meals are consumed. Sometimes consuming the animal on display!

mummers said...

Reason for Unca CB relating to his Mickey in a mouth-nose fashion: when he got it they were both the same just felt right...(And on another note,am I the only one who noticed the slightly schizoid diatribe re: WM intro'd in the middle of Unca CB's comment???)Is there help available in Portland for such afflictions? I mean, I sensed some real vein-throbbing going on in that forehead...

Larky Park said...

I must admit, I was hesitant to even bring up Walmart. Unca's comments are not limited to just the wild west coast.... Ah HA!!! ANother post focus!! I'm on to page 1

PS - Mom, you are an Easter genious!!

Woulda taxidermist stuff a pastel chicken? That would solve everything. We'd have to clip those scary dead animal claws...

Larky Park said...

My 2 Fav stuffed animals:

One small brown bunny w/ no tail named Sunberry. Named in honor of the real rabbit Sunberry I saw EATEN in a horrrible way by a local beastly dog. Damn no leash-law.

ALso, the best teddy on earth that I bought at age 20 for my one-day first child. Cedar won't be without his "Mr.Fuzzy".