Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Jen, thank you for the reminder.  Did I not lovingly suggest ever so long ago that Barack was one to watch?  I swear this is the only election in all my voting years that feels like I don't have to choose between two big fat liars.

By the way, if I hear "Maverick" one more time, I'll never be able to watch that cheeseball movie again.  Talk about verbal burnout.  And for all you pro-lifers - I am still as hard-core as ever in believing in both the life of the mom and the babies - but if you are gullible enough to vote on one topic only for the leader of our nation...all I have to say is please use both lobes of your God-given brain.  There are many ways to fight abortion and blindly choosing a candidate because of one topic is like blindly choosing a candidate because they are supposedly christian.  C'mon people - whether at the local, national or international level we must look at the FULL picture. 

Frankly, I don't dislike a person for voting their party.  What I hate is uneducated voting, or even worse - getting the "list" from a pastor telling you that real christians only vote republican.  Just peels my skin, that one.
Blogged with the Flock Browser


??? said...

You should head East, out here the Pastors tell you you're not a real Christian unless you vote Democrat...


Tell Levi Howdy!

joan.ekimball said...

There's always apathy...

Anonymous said...

Thank you. You made my morning.

Jenny W said...


i'm not the only one! actually a democratic council person from valpo called my house last night to do a poll, and asked if i support obama and are there any issues i'd really like him to know i care about, and i told her abortion. said i'm basicly a pro-life democrat, i've been on the website (did you knkow there's a pro-life deomocrats WEBSITE??? very cool!!!). told her i support obama on absolutely everything except his extreme views on abortion (he thinks my 11 year old should be able to get an abortion without my consent. yes that's bothersome). and that if he could even soften his pro-choice language i'd support him more. she laughed and said i sound much more educated than most of the moms she talks to hat 5:30 at night. maybe that's the problem?!

Anonymous said...

Of course, the bothersome abortion feeling has to get in line behind the bothersome pregnant 11-year-old feeling, right?

Jenny W said...

yeah i should perhaps clear that up, to my knowledge there are no pregnant 11 year olds in my house, thank Jesus:)

Elizabeth F. said...

I heart Obama. I totally agree that we should not vote based on one issue alone and I also wish his Abortion stance was different. I just want to say that I'm over here in the Southeast aka Bible Belt, where I have to celebrate Halloween "in the closet" as a Christian and when I tell people I'm voting for Obama you should see their faces...LOL!

Anonymous said...

Boldly go, Elizabeth, boldly go.
I'm out here in the Northwest, aka America's Freakshow, and I find it stunning how, after the last eight years, anyone earning less than a million a year can even consider "staying the course."
Being able to weigh the issues and see beyond the smokescreens is a sign of someone paying attention in class. (And maybe having a class to go to because I have to dangle some kind of participle here.)
Stand with your convictions and watch your back.

levi fuson said...

im just wondering why people havne't brought up the fact that McCain used to be pro-choice when he ran in 2000. Interesting...

ah but crap lets all just focus only on what is in front of us. Learning from the past is severely overrated.


Jenny W said...

levi join the argument on my blog about mccain's former adultery vs clinton's former adultery. different moral standards for different political parties is an argument i LOVE to start, just for giggles on a monday morning...

Mrs. Sara said...
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