Saturday, January 27, 2007

Sexy Mess

Last night at dinner (it was just me and the kiddos), I had messily left the mail on the table during our meal. After our feasting, Cedar noticed a scarily sexy model selling her wares on the back of a Fredericks catalog. Yikes! He started giggling (thank the Lord it was just bra-land) and murmured, "Mama, look at her costume!"

Whew. We're not there yet. Her makeup was pretty intense.


Unknown said...

Giggle...giggle...giggle...well handled mom! Love you girlie!

Anonymous said...

I could have gone my whole life not knowing my god-daughter was getting Frederick's of Hollywood catalogues in the mail.

Anonymous said...

g-father, no worries. I'm a guy and I get those catalogs even though I have never purchased a single thing from that place. Ever. I swear. What!? Stop looking at me...

Larky Park said...

It is SO hard to explain my TWO virgin births. ;)

Elizabeth F. said...

Try walking in the mall with your 6 yr. old daughter and passing Victoria's Secret...Yikes! I do not want her to be exposed to that-not yet. She has no idea what being sexy is, but even a 6 year old is smart enough to know that they are trying to look "pretty." I do not want her to think that it's good to get attention from looking like that or to be flaunting in your undies in front of people! ughh..our over-sexed society!

Anonymous said...

even those of us who've been successful at keeping the sexy humans from the children have trouble; my two learned about the birds and the bees from my cat and her several neighborhood boyfriends last spring. few months later we had kittens and they got to watch that too. funniest part is when an innocent adult begins talking about the stork w/ my 6 year old and she replies "that's just a myth. babies actually come from daddy juice." yeah. yeah. :)

Elizabeth F. said...

that's hilarious Jenny!

Bethany-that wa so cute about the costume! Give it another year or two! he...he...

Anonymous said...

WOW its a good thing he doesn't see some of the magazines my Marine roommate has!! They make me ask the same question! "Look at her costume" And a lot of "Oh, I DID NOT NEED TO SEE THAT!!!, actually..What is that???" HAHAHAHA

Mrs. Sara said...

Elizabeth, you're lucky. I've seen six year olds in the aisles at Target singing "My humps... my humps my humps my humps... my lovely lady lumps" while shaking their asses. Why in the world are these parents letting their kids watch MTV?

Elizabeth F. said...

Mrs. Sara...

That's crazy!!! ZOe thinks she's a big girl cause she knows the song, "Who let the dogs out?" LOL!!! It was on a kids CD that she got for Christmas.

Bethany you are tagged. Go to: to read more.

Anonymous said...

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