Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Cedar is currently fascinated with sharks. He will focus - memorizing every detail about the water levels they swim at, what they eat, what regions they swim in etc.. He rushed over to me in alarm last night after dad read to him that some sharks were "bottom-feeders".

Imagine the thoughts of a 5 yr old...

Sharks eat bottoms.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, truth can be scary.

Elizabeth F. said...

LOL! That's so hilarious and cute.

wyofaith said...

Tell him it's more likely he'd lose an arm or leg than his bottom.

Just Kidding!!!!

I can still remember my shark phase. I liked Makos and Hammerheads.

Jenny W said...

sharks. huh. let me just say a house full of 3 chicks (2 kid chicks and 1 mama chick) does not have shark fetishes. clothes and barbies and--because of the rock star gene-- the occasional "KISS Meets the Phantom" movie, yes. but no sharks.