Friday, October 12, 2007

Lipstick Terrorist

OMILORD IN HEAVEN!!!!! Help me FATHER! My daughter is on a rampage.

Determined to have her way and fueled by a chocolate milk, 2 yr old Afton armed herself with Mary Kay lipsticks, lipliners, lip primers and various weapons of her warfare. Hidden in night-night blankies and waiting until cover of night - she unloaded her arsenal of chaos. Retribution for unhappy bathtimes, pottie training, and lost toothbrushes all funneled into a seething-whirling-jambalaya of destruction upon the unsuspecting bathroom...

Leaving a solitary color. Mama's favorite and only red lipstick, "Chocolate Mousse", unscathed.

Until this evening. Once again the baby bandit struck.

Thank goodness for a product sample book.


Glass Half Full said...

And where is the photo of her artwork?

So sorry....


Jenny W said...

hannah loved water when she was 2, which sounds innocent enough. until she began throwing the remotes in the bathtub and toothbrushes in the toilet. it's a miracle she's lived to see 7.

Elizabeth F. said...

Oh my Lord! What a funny story. Thank goodness she didn't get your favorite tube! :-) When I was about 9, (I had lots of thos elittel Avon samples to play with) and my little 2 yr. old brother got into my room while I was at school. He colored all over the walls, carpet, my bedding... everything! It was awful and to top it off I got into trouble for not locking my door when I left. He was one of those 2 yr olds that we had to lock all of the doors at the top. he..he..

mummers said...

Let's just hark back to 1977. The scene: my very well-to-do older friend's WHITE bathroom - the co-conspirators: Bethany (age 3 ) and sister Holly (age 2) - the case: the two sisters, while giving the impression of being fast asleep for naptime while mother visited in the other room, escaped the confines of the bedroom to visit their version of jambalaya upon the unsuspecting adjacent bathroom. Using only one tube of "Red Passion" lipstick they managed to take out the fabric shower curtain, rug, bath mat, & toilet covers in a few minutes of well-executed mayhem. Who can say if Afton came by her baby banditcy by a wierd quirk in her mother's genes ???? It's amazing that ANY baby bandits survive toddlerhood....

Jenny W said...

here's the funny part about your mom's comment. of the two parents involved in afton's upbringing, i chuckle at the thought that BETHANY may be the one responsible for the gene that has lead to afton's, um, mischief:) for those of us who know and love levi this is an unexpected development!! :)

mummers said...

Jenny, you're right! The poor child probably got a DOUBLE shot (I do remember Levi's "Holes-in-the-Wall-at-the-End-of-the-Hallway" story). Oh, Lordie...

Elizabeth F. said...

I remember hearing a Baby Powder story as well. LOL!:-)

Elizabeth F. said...

Oh...and not to gang up on Levi, but he did feed my husband solid gel air freshener when he was a baby too!

Infusionites said...

ok, ok i was a bad kid.... everybody just go ahead and SAY IT!!!

and it wasn't air freshener it was shampoo..... :)

john ate the air freshener all by his lonesome...... at least thats my story ;)


mummers said...

Levi, not a BAD KID, just very, very creative one with a strong desire to "see what would happen IF ______________!" Blame your learning style!

Jenny W said...

Beth as long as you don't find LEVI covered in your collection of lipsticks in the bathroom alone by the cover of night, you might make it through this!

Holly said...

i recall a rendezvous in a certain closet with makeup atop the blue cylindrical blocks box? Do you recall?

Larky Park said...

Holly, you shush your mouth!

mummers said...

And WHO provided your stash of makeup? Hmmmm?