Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Katie Couric

What is it about Katie Couric that makes me insane? I don't KNOW her. How is it you can watch the tube and decide you absolutely MUST change the channel before you are forced to poke your own eyes out?


Anonymous said...

Toooooo funnyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
But true!

Mrs. Sara said...

I KNOW, BETH! Sometimes I want to hit things when her perky face comes on the television.

Sarafu said...

I avoid anything with her on it at all costs! Why? not sure. I just figured I didnt like her because she isnt Charlie Gibson. Its good to know others feel the same way! :) Its Sarafu butit wont let me log on

Anonymous said...

i dunno if its for the same reasons, but i as well can not stand perky katie couric.