Tuesday, December 12, 2006


There is almost always some truth in even the most negative critique. You may have to wade through shit to find the diamond - but you can always take that diamond to the bank. Shovel, shovel, shovel!


Anonymous said...

ahhh...shovel...I need a bull dozer!! Ha,ha!

Anonymous said...

i love it love it love it when my favorite pastor's daughter is at absolute liberty to say shit online for the world to see. bethany you are a mentor to me, real and honest and beautiful...no matter how real the need for a bulldozer may be!!! i have a closet full of wader boots for the days when it really hits the fan...have had lots of practice the last 3 years:)

Larky Park said...

Hmmmm waders might be an improvement. Jen do you have a blog? I don't even know blog etiquette. Am I supposed to respond to comments? Freakin blah-blah.

Mrs. Sara said...

It's nice to respond to comments, unless you're too busy. :)

Blog etiquette also requires that you bake cookies for your readers and mail them out to their homes. I like oatmeal butterscotch, please. :)

Unknown said...

You know I don't think I looked at it that way, but I think you might have a point. I love the way you turn things that could be seen as such a negative and turn it into a positive.

Bill Sergott said...

I am all about the oatmeal cookies with the butterscotch. Yummy!