Saturday, December 30, 2006

Ugly PJ's

I have a sweet friend who gave my son horribly ugly pj's because she thought he'd like them. He does. They're near fav.'s. And because I love them and they aren't killing him I let him wear them. Sometimes I think you just have to let people wear or be ugly until they grow out of it.


Anonymous said...

"...Eye of the beholder?"

Larky Park said...

For sure. Just letting go of the kooky small stuff, too. I'm really trying to see through Cedar's eyes - to give him quality attention and to listen. He's changing quickly.

levi fuson said...

plus thier JEFF GORDON Pajamas. eye of the beholder for SURE!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

At Cedar's age he is constantly trying on life and the whole world as he finds it. Much chaff will fall to the side and a few things will stick. PJ's have to fall in there somewhere. One thing is for sure ... they'll only fit for so long. Maybe it's just the mark of a phase, conjoining with Daddy's speeding ticket.
(Did I get the sport right?)

levi fuson said...

LOL! nice..... very nice.....


Larky Park said...

Levi - you are TOAST! Now she'll know I think those pj's are nasty.

wyofaith said...

Yes but she'll also know your son loves them, which is always gratifying to a giver.

wyofaith said...

I'd wear Jeff Gordon PJ's if they were really stretchy.

"These are my recreation pants, my robes were stinky.."

Larky Park said...

OK, so maybe they'd be dynamite for plunging toilets...but don't tell anyone I told you.